Ok, I'm not the biggest Perez Hilton fan, but um wow?
Sadly I follow him on Twitter (oh lord right?). Apparently Perez had his laptop out and was taking a few notes during tonight's VMAs. This didn't sit well with California's own little piece of the Jersey Turnpike, Stephanie Pratt. The Crackpipe tweets: "Ok @perezhilton u piece of dog shit get a life and get off ur computer u FUCKING LOSER. I would rather rather die than be you. Fuck off"
WOW! Hostility! She goes to say: "Oh ps I enjoyed looking 5 rows back and seeing perez hiltons un-button shirt showing off his fat rolls. Yep one more time... Fuck u perez"
So what set her off? Smoke some bad stuff, Steph? Nope. Apparently Metherella had a bit too much to drink causing Perez to tweet: "Stephanie Pratt is so wasted! She's probably seconds away from barfing on her lap. She's also had too much work done!"
Now Perez may not be the nicest homo out there, but he can make or break people, Steph! Luckily Steph, you won't have to worry, you have nothing for him to make or break! Well aside from your pipe.
Here are the links to their Twitters...
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